As a non-profit organization, the Central Iowa Wind Ensemble relies on individual and corporate donations, sponsorships, grants, and musician’s contributions to bring you a fantastic musical experience at no charge.  In addition to free public concerts, CIWE also provides a student solo competition scholarship each year to an aspiring high school musician.  The Central Iowa Wind Ensemble is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.
Basic Membership Levels

Friend: $50-99
Contributor: $100-249
Patron: $250-499
Sponsor: $500-999
Benefactor: $1,000-4,999
Grand Benefactor: $5,000+

  • Includes recognition in program and on website
Business Sponsorship Levels

Supporting Sponsor: $500
Concert Sponsor: $1,000
Presenting Sponsor: $2,000

How to Donate

Debit or Credit Card / Online

via Paypal

Check via Mail

Send us a check made out to:

Central Iowa Wind Ensemble
1510 NE Stoneridge Ct
Ankeny, IA 50021

Cash or Check in Person

Give your cash or check donation in person to any ensemble member or at our next concert.

Our Contributors

($5,000 and above)

Bravo Greater Des Moines
Iowa Arts Council
National Endowment for the Arts

($1,000 - $4,999)

James and Cristina Deeds
Fredrikson & Byron Foundation
Donald Lamberti
Cheryl and Donald Lee
Renee and Steven Newman
Polk County Board of Supervisors
Chad Thompson

($500 - $999)

Greg Barton
Rick Eichner and Gayle Lundak
Rose and Scott Kundel
Don Manley
McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC
Tony Pappas-Garton
Richard and Karen Thimmesch
West Bancorporation Foundation

($250 - $499)

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Hallenbeck
Jeremy and Elly Hartbecke
Kemin Industries
Fred and Lynn Lange
Alan and Rochelle Naylor
Roger Nielson
Rieman Music
Julie Rumohr
Justin and Emily Wells

($100 - $249)

Jeannie Balk
Zachary Beaman
Lori Carter
Emily Castelline
Elysia Crecelius
Richard L Eichner
Brent Engelbert
First National Bank
Gretchen Funaro
Greater Des Moines Dermatology
Mitch Hambleton
Mary Ann Juhl
Gary Lemons
Jacob Lemons
Jaxson Mrzena
Jay and Cherri Nugent
Norma Pappas
Sarah Reichart
Linda Robbins Coleman
Julie Rumohr
Colton Sleister
Kenneth and Donna Stinson
Peter Stoltenow
Adam Thimmesch
Jeffrey and Carolyn Wells

($50 - $99)

Julie Bruns
Christian Carichner
Julie Cassaidy
Diane Drake
Jill Garton
Jane Hartman
Frances Henderson
Richard Hoenig
Deborah Hoppus
Jennifer Horner
Mary Jobst
Renee Kayser
Joyce Kenagy
Dennis Mabie
Kathleen Murrin
John Pollak
Ramona Tortorilla
Sally Walsh


In Honor of Jeff Norton's Family
Zachary Beaman


Emerson Electric
John Deere


Heuss Printing
Brian and Joni Kinnan
Sleister Music
Valley High School Bands

Bravo Greater Des Moines
Iowa Arts Council
National Endowment for the Arts
Farm Bureau Financial Services
Fredrikson & Byron Foundation
Polk County Board of Supervisors
West Bank
Rieman Music
First National Bank
John Deere
Heuss Printing
Sleister Music